Thursday, June 11, 2009

Learning more about forgiveness daily!

As most of you know Summer is a real softee and her sister....well that's another story. What God is teaching me through these two is absolutely amazing. Yesterday they were involved in a little skirmish and let me tell you...Autumn was winning. She snatched a toy from Summer and as I entered the room I noticed that Summer was crying and struggling to get it back. As I began to intervene Autumn held on to the toy tighter. Summer suddenly released it and grabbed her sister and starting literally hugging all of the defiance right out of her. I could see the strain leave Autumn's face as she fell into her sisters embrace. I started lecturing Autumn on the value of sharing and her sister interrupted and said, "oh it's okay mommie...I forgive her it doesn't matter now." Whoa... how many times in my own life has God called me to just forget it and recognize how little the things I have blown up really matter. I am praying that the next time I am quick to blow up and harbor a grudge that God will bring this little example back to my remembrance. By the way the toy was a Barbie Doll, it was Summer's and Autumn did break the leg off. (lol)

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