Saturday, April 26, 2008

I'm Believing God!

As I lay her in the hospital bed of West Suburban, having just given birth to another beautiful baby girl a little over 24 hours ago, I am reminded of all of the opportunities disguised as trials that strenghten my faith. At 3:09 AM Autumn Cymone made her arrival into this wonderfully challenging world. Her delivery was just as eventful as her sisters. In the absence of my physician, (long story, maybe one day I'll share it) she landed on the bed with a small plop. My husband and I were totally ready to receive her in our hearts but that's where the preparation ended. The nurses weren't prepared for the quick delivery and the doctor hadn't arrived.
I know that God has already orchestrated all of the events of her life including her arrival. So, with tear stained cheeks as she rests in the incubator, with a swollen abdomen I am trusting in the power of a Great God! As the moments pass waiting to hear from the neonataologist I recognize I have a choice. I can choose worry, anxiety and fear or I can choose to believe that God is who He says He is and He can do what He says He can do!

I'm believing God!


Marcie said...

can't wait to see baby Autumn. I told you that you were in one listens to me :)

These Three Kings said...

wow.. I am praying for you and your new arrival.. i have to save your blog so that I can read more..
you dont know me but I found you through a blog search.
Grace and Peace to you